How a pellet stove differs from a wood-burning stove heater.
You could be forgiven for thinking that a wood pellet stove is very similar to a wood-burning stove or heater. However, there are some fundamental differences and features that we’d love to share with you.
Wood pellet stoves have been designed to burn small pellets, and small pellets only. Wood pellets are made from wood waste (find out more about them here). They are bought in 10Kg bags and are fed into the stove via a hidden hopper within the stove itself.
A wood-burning stove is fueled by chopped up wood purchased via a timber yard, specialist supplier and, in the most expensive cases, your local garage! It’s important to use seasoned wood and keep it as dry as possible. Because of its bulk, a suitable storage solution is usually required in a cellar or outhouse.
A wood pellet stoves such as our Lundy 5 is operated remotely or via a side panel. Fuel is fed automatically into the burner via the hopper the rate chosen by you when setting the level of heat required. With an in-built timer, it is entirely possible to come downstairs in the morning to a warm living room or kitchen, or come home from work to a cosy lounge thanks to the timer controls.
A wood-burning stove requires manual operation including lighting and refuelling of the stove itself. It’s a significantly more labour intensive method of heating your home as opposed to a wood pellet stove.
Many people love the quintessential charm of a wood-burning stove, a small black box on legs with a glass window in its door and black chimney flue. Thanks to extensive work by our design team, this traditional look is available in a pellet stove and boiler through Island Pellet Stoves.
Wood pellets are one of the cleanest burning solid fuels available, with massively reduced particulates released as compared to wood-burning stoves.
The wood-burning stoves of today are more efficient than earlier models thanks to becoming airtight; but when it comes to overall fuel efficiency, thanks to stove and flue design and the use of dry pellets, wood pellet stoves are more efficient than traditional wood-burning stoves.
Environmentally Friendly
Wood pellets are a controlled fuel. They are manufactured from waste, ultra-dry and produce fewer emissions. There are a few variables.
This is not the case with a wood-burning stove. Whilst they are hugely improved thank to becoming increasingly air tights, variables in the fuel (moisture, the type of wood and so on) means that they cannot be as consistently environmentally friendly as wood pellet stoves.
If you would like to find out more about our wood pellet stoves, call a member of our team on 0330 111 4747 or email