How Do Wood Burning Stove Fans Work?

Wood burning stoves have become increasingly popular in UK homes over the last few years. Not only do they provide cosy radiant heat, but they can also significantly reduce your heating bills if you burn logs you source for free.  One key component that helps wood stoves work more efficiently and evenly distribute heat is…

How Hot Do Wood Burning Stoves Get?

Wood burning stoves can reach extremely high temperatures, with the firebox inside the stove reaching over 1,000°F (538°C). However, the external surface temperatures are much lower due to design features that prevent the outside from getting dangerously hot.  How hot a stove gets depends on whether the air vents are open or closed and what…

Wood Burning Stoves with Back Boilers as an Eco-Friendly Choice

Eco-friendly alternatives to traditional heating methods are becoming increasingly popular. A wood burning stove that comes with a back boiler not only provides an eco-friendly way to heat your home but also offers a range of environmental benefits that make it an attractive choice for the eco-conscious consumer. Reducing Your Carbon Footprint with a Wood…