The lundy 5 pellet fuelled wood burning stove in a recessed cove in a british home

Your Guide to Using a Wood Burning Stove Efficiently

If you’re new to the cozy world of wood burning stoves, you might be wondering how to get started. A wood burning stove is an efficient and charming way to heat your home, but getting it up and running safely and effectively takes a little know-how. Here’s everything you need to know.

Getting Started: Preparing Your Stove

Before you light up, ensure your stove is clean and well-maintained. Check that the chimney is clear of debris and the door seals are intact for optimal efficiency.

Need help with maintenance? Check out our resources area for keeping your wood burning stove in top shape.

Choose the Right Fuel

Seasoned hardwood like oak or ash burns longer and hotter, making it ideal for your stove. Avoid using damp wood or treated timber, which can produce excess smoke and harmful chemicals.

Building the Fire

  • Place crumpled newspaper or firelighters on the grate.
  • Add kindling in a crisscross pattern to create a solid base.
  • Light the newspaper or firelighters, ensuring good airflow.

Once the fire is established, add larger logs (or pellets) gradually, maintaining a balance between fuel and oxygen.

Efficient Operation Tips

  • Keep the air vents open when starting the fire, then adjust to control the burn rate.
  • Avoid overloading the stove, as this can decrease efficiency.
  • Always keep the stove door closed while in use for safety and efficiency.

Looking for the perfect stove? Shop our collection.

By following these steps and taking the time to care for your wood burning stove, you’ll not only enjoy the warmth of your wood burning stove but also maximise its efficiency and lifespan.