A dirty wood burner can potentially make your room messy, but not only this, keeping the stove clean will make it more efficient and can increase the lifetime of your stove, saving you money in the long term.
A dirty wood burner can potentially make your room messy, but not only this, keeping the stove clean will make it more efficient and can increase the lifetime of your stove, saving you money in the long term.
Cleaning your stove is a good idea at any time of year, though spring offers the perfect chance to restore your wood burner to its former glory.
With the increasingly cold and wintery nights, it’s likely that you have been using your Wood Pellet Stove more regularly. To ensure that your stove operates as efficiently and effectively as possible, it’s important to keep it clean. To ensure that you get the best from your Wood Pellet Stove, there are a few simple…