Research highlights the air-quality benefits of Wood Pellet Stoves.

The University of Leeds has presented research which massively highlights the benefits to air quality from using wood pellet stoves compared with traditional multi-fuel stoves. It’s long been known that there is a debate as to whether wood burning stoves are bad for the evironment. Well now the findings can be seen as significant, demonstrating a 95% reduction in particulates emitted by pellet stoves.

Leeds University wood stove emission levels

It’s thought that over 60,000 premature deaths occurred in Europe in 2010 due to emissions from residential heating with wood and coal – an increase of 23% since 1990.

The carbon reduction benefits of heating with a renewable energy like biomass is part of the solution to reduce our use of greenhouse gas making fossil fuels; however, burning wood still produces air pollutants. Burning wood produces Nitrogen Oxides but largest air quality impact is particles.

In 2014 over two hundred thousand stoves were sold in the UK, and 67% of them were multifuel. So as the trend for stoves increases, what can be done to ensure that UK air quality is improved and that wood stove emissions are as low as possible?

The research shows that switching to wood pellet stoves would be a key contributor towards reducing harmful particulates as they produce 95% fewer emissions than traditional log stoves.

So reducing the particulate emissions is crucial for air quality on a regional level but just as importantly research estimates that 70% of emitted wood smoke can re-enter the home. Exposure to wood smoke can cause a range of ailments, many with the potential to contribute towards or lead to fatality including respiratory illness, and decreased lung function. 

These two issues are a real driver for why we should adopt wood pellet stoves. Firstly the emissions to atmosphere are some 20 to 50 times less than log stoves but just as importantly as a pellet device is sealed the emissions back in to the home are completely eliminated.

We have compared the results of the Leeds University study to our particulate and NOx emissions measured in the same laboratory and we have found that our patented combustion system produces emissions lower than those of typical pellet stove and thus achieving up to 98% reduction. We have also monitored inside air quality when our stove is operating and prove no emissions are emitted into the home. We will publish our data here shortly.

Take your first steps towards fewer particulates by contacting our team on today. 

Source: Supergen Bio Energy Hub accessed 250719